Theeeeese pictures are a result of Daddy leaving M&M's within reaching distance on the counter. The entire bag gets pulled off and Crusher eats them off the floor! ha

Hey everyone! Well, I have GREAT news!! Hudson has been sleeping in HIS bed ALL night!!! He has been sleeping with us for who knows how long and I finally got the will power to not let his sad little tears turn me to mush.
So, the first night was NOT easy to say the least! He cried and screamed and I DID give in the first night i tried. He then told me that he was "cared (scared) of monsters". and he wanted to "nuggle (snuggle) with mama. " I felt so sorry for him that he slept with me that night.
(for those that don't know Justin works swing shift every night so it's just me and Hudson at night and I get NO help trying to get him to go to his bed. Honestly, i too like to snuggle before bed.--can't blame him)
The next night I wanted to try I did. I told him all the monsters went home to sleep in their beds! He went to the closet said... "are they in there?" and then went on under the bed, behind the curtains and behind his door. He still wasn't satisfied with sleeping alone in his bed but FIFI to the rescue!!! Our little pup and him are best buddies and they love each other dearly. So when she jumped in the bed it was awesome!! He rolled over and snuggled with her and closed his eyes and was out within 15 minutes and slept the WHOLE night!!!!!!!! :):)
just a little story to get y'all through until the next time chatter box comes up with something funny...wait...that's every conversation. Yes, conversation, this child blows me away with his vocabulary and understanding. Maybe it's just a proud momma talking, buttt I sure think he is the smartest, most handsome, bestest baby boy evvverr!! I LOVE HIM!!
Pictures of Easter:


annnnd theeeeese pictures are a result of Daddy leaving M&M's within reaching distance on the counter. The entire bag gets pulled off and Crusher eats them off the floor! ha
1 comment:
First, i laughed out loud (for real) when i saw the babe eating m&ms off the floor. then i screamed, yes SCREAMED, enough to get Bella to barking when I saw his easter pics! can he wear that linen jacket at our wedding? he will steal the show!! hahaha
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